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Hovlita Something I did not send private messages, sort of a mistake robby Many have found useful for myself 9 of 10 on the basis of 16805 ReviewWe would like to note Dear Visitor to the stock exchange FOREX is distinct from the traditional exchanges in several other things Currency Exchange does not have a specific place, but are working and speculation on the Internet world is the largest market and the largest ever market where it is contact with banks and brokerage firms and speculators through the Internet and is therefore different from other exchanges such as the Egyptian stock exchange in Egypt Fmkanha in Egypt and the New York Stock Exchange found in the United States must be speculative to go to the stock market, the FOREX international exchange market has no specific place and you can work out through your computer only. Continuing work 24 hours over the week except Saturday and Sunday, holiday - Dear visitor, where youll find that other exchanges have a specific time to open and close every day. As the FOREX daily work around the clock from Monday to Friday (except Saturday and Sunday, holiday). In the FOREX international exchange market will be focusing on four key currency is the euro and the Japanese yen and the pound sterling and Swiss franc as well as the U. S. dollar of course. Thus it is easier for you to profit because you will focus your analysis of the market in two or three or four coins, and we note that work on other stock exchanges require companies to study the many and the search for the best company chosen to trade with and economic expertise needed to, it takes time and effort is too long, but The FOREX is often the focus on four currencies only This leads to higher profits of your business with other stock exchanges like stocks because there is a focus on a particular currency or multiple currencies only determined by you. The work on the stock exchange does not need international experience to the big economic skill, but anyone can start a regular practice and a little effort will learn and can be operated successfully after a very short period. Can anyone, especially the novice to begin with a capital of a very simple, ranging from 1. The introduction of margin in the FOREX you can profit from the large amounts - you will be trading in excess of your capital in many times and will profit if the full amount of the trade that I was with you, for example, you can trade 100,000 with only 1000 or trade to 10,000 only 100 or trade with 1000 to 10 only and that is the core of the stock you are trading currencies weaken the head of the owner. Exchange is the international currency Bmthaip fairer exchange in the world will not be able to any party or any individual in the world of manipulating prices of the magnitude of this market. Will not be able to control any party in this market. Advantage of profit in the event the direction of prices to rise and profit in the event of falling prices, too, if we look at traditional markets, the profit achieved only at high prices, but lower the loss. Work from any computer connected to the Internet from anywhere in the world at any time and there are many other advantages, such as the existence of sites to follow the latest news currency and political and economic events to the State of the currency, as well as to the existence of sites of the recommendations, and can send the recommendations of the Journal of you (with the participation ). What is the difference between the trade in conventional stocks and Forex We find that the Forex the liquidity 24 hours a day, while stocks are limited. Leverage starting from 1:100 up to 1:500 For example, in the case of leverage 1:100 if they traded at 100 from your money and the real index rose to 10 points to earn 10 immediately That is, each point by 1, let alone if the index is more and more, note that in some cases increase up to 300 points or more Dear Visitor imagine how much we tried to gain that much and won thanks to God. But beware of the situation may turn against you and the market is against you and lose, God forbid. Leverage: Leverage is different from the brokerage firm to another, so you must choose a brokerage firm is right for you, or you can contact us to help nominate the best brokerage firm for you. Full control of your way trading program, which will Downloading from the website of the company and the implementation of the buy and sell orders immediately, without delay, rather than contact the company by telephone and wait for a long time to respond to you (in the traditional exchanges). Currency trading is the real opportunity for Arab youth seeking work hard and achieve a return on a monthly or large. Dear Visitor, you traded in thousands of dollars and a small amount of this system called the system of margin or leverage, and therefore this is a good opportunity for low-income people to start, a unique opportunity for high-income earners to achieve big profits and imaginary. 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Our services also include graphs, charts and commentary on the market daily and explanations about the markets and the views of experts, and the provision of trading tools developed in addition to granting courses, training seminars Whatever your level of experience in the trade market Forex with FOREX. will find a variety of sources and resources can be used for trading in the largest markets and most movement around the world. Sign up today in a demo account. To test it yourself. About GAIN Capital Founded GAIN Capital a limited liability company in 1999 to now become one of the largest and most respected companies in the sector thanks to the exchange of its commitment to customer service and technical tools distinctive. A leading company in its services and offer many advantages designed for individual investors and professional money managers and traders with experience, and the company offers its services in 140 countries around the world. Group of Companies provide GAIN Capital LLC Prize-winning best trading platform services through spotlesforex . For more information about GAIN Capital Group of Companies, please visit gai Dear visitor, said thatowner of the whole day or a week The only way to reduce the proportion of risk is good to learn the correct methods of trading and speculative Arts and risk management and capital management, and therefore will limit the losses to a minimum. Select the appropriate time each day to work in the currency market, because it needs a long time and constant monitoring of the indicators, news and follow-up and managing your finances. Forex is the possibility to learn how to trading through an account (the Demo), a fictitious account offering you a virtual company to train the first to gain good experience in this area - where you have your imaginary sum of money for the conflict in the stock market and through that learn from Practice and gain experience certainly. Exchange market is a great opportunity and a real person and low-income earners, too, dear visitor, you can start at 100 only, if your budget is limited - Start the amount of at least 25 This work requires you Dear Visitor patience and perseverance, especially for beginners, we suggest that you learn with the pilot program in a period of not less than three months or six months to gain sufficient experience and then internal pressure to take the right decisions. Alambtdiien often started by opening a real account, and have had significant losses because of haste and lack of patience. Not rushing to Rozkk Dear Visitor, patience key to the vagina. Forex system will be introduced through agents or international mediators and you choose the mediator. Does not require proficiency in English proficiency in this area is good, but desirable to have good English language, it helps you learn faster and understand what is happening around you. Psychological warfare and greed for profit, many in the shortest possible time is a mistake that many people do not covet Dear Visitor, as the greed in some cases lead to loss after loss and regret. Accept less rather than greed and then find that your profits turned into losses, all of that happens in minutes and hours and also happen in a few seconds only Dear Visitor, make your first in this area is to learn and learn and learn and then start to work after that for-profit, science and knowledge that will lead you to success is for your success, and remember that capital is the science and knowledge. Do not open many deals at the same time it leads to fragmentation of mind Very important - safe trading strategies that trade is 2.5 - 10 of the capital, even if they had lost God forbid be few and do not affect the budget and capital, and never trade the top of each owner, and even if I was sure that the market in your favor - the market Dear Visitor Ghaddar knows no one, not with anyone at all Dear visitor, if the loss occurred to you, God forbid, do not panic and rush in opening deals in order to revenge and compensation for loss - must be Nvsik calm and confident of your decisions, there is no rush, take a break and time to rebuild Astratjitk and your plans - and start the day II to compensate for the loss, Know that if you lose today - can compensate for the loss tomorrow might bring profits to double (and Hamada Hilal money, I go and come:). trade in FOREX currencies is the best way to earn good money and a lot at all, you can win twice in the head of the owner in two days or a week only But you can also lose the head of the Market is trading international currencies, the goal is to buy currency at a low price and sell at a higher price to make a profit, or sell currency at the higher price and buy when the price low and make a profit, too - The advantage of this area you gain in both directions in the case of price rise or decline as well. What is the margin trading system, or the so-called Margin The margin trading system and we also tackle the financial indefinitely, and you Sttajer in stock in excess of your capital up to ten times the amount traded, and if entered into a deal estimated at 100 for example, you Sttajer ten times that amount, Sttajer the amount of 1000 like you And earn profits in full, and explain more, imagine you buy a commodity or a product here is the 1000 100 Sttajer You get the expected profit from them. Do you deal in this market when the risk Yes, Trade, profit and loss - and also trade cleverness, as they say, as you and your experience and your knowledge and your search will be able to achieve profits inevitably fantasy with the minimum possible losses, and you can lose all the capital that the owner did not manage financial Amlt well and effectively. What is the fundamental and technical analysis Technical analysis is a follow-up and study the conditions of the market through charts and analytical indicators are used this way by 30 - The basic analysis is a follow-up news releases and market news and economic What and how companies Alservynj Win it Companies Alservynj Surrfing is based on the principle of exchange advertising sites in addition to its systems, doubling the money, the sense that you are open sites of other companies or sites people were injured in return for opening your site for them, whether the location of profit or personal or any other type, some companies Alservynj gives you a ratio of 1. 1 or 2:1 for the exchange of advertising sites, the goal of these companies is to bring the largest possible number of new members to participate on your way in corporate profitability that they announce, in addition to that you can earn them money when you reach the minimum limit, where the more of more points whenever brought a lot of new visitors to your site in addition to financial gain, which will achieve them. 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